During my ovulation time, how many days am I really fertile?
During the time of ovulation, an egg is available to be fertilized for only about 12-24 hours. But since sperm can live in the body for 3-5 days and then the egg is available for one day, your most fertile time is considered to be about 5-7 days.

Do painful periods cause infertility?
Painful periods do not affect fertility. In fact, for most patients, regular painful periods usually signal ovulatory cycles. However, progressively worsening pain during periods (especially when this is accompanied by pain during sex) may mean you have endometriosis.

My husband’s blood group is B positive and I am A negative. Could this blood group “incompatibility” be a reason for our infertility?
There is no relation between blood groups and fertility.

My periods come only once every 6 weeks. Could this be a reason for my infertility?
As long as the periods are regular, this means ovulation is occurring. Some normal women have menstrual cycle lengths of as long as 40 days. Of course, since they have fewer cycles every year, the number of times they are “fertile” in a year is decreased. Also, they need to monitor their fertile period more closely, since this is delayed (as compared to women with a 30 day cycle).

How does IUI increase my chance of pregnancy?
The IUI procedure works by concentrating the healthiest sperm in the ejaculate, and placing the “washed” sperm into the uterus adjacent to the fallopian tube & thus increases chances to fertilize the egg.

What is an adequate sperm count for an IUI?
With the functional sperm count exceeding 4-5 million with Grade A motility, chances for pregnancy with well-timed IUI are excellent. Higher success rates are achieved with sperm counts in the range of 20-30 millions/ml.

How long does the washed sperms survive in IUI?
Normal, healthy sperm live approximately 48-72 hours. Washed sperm can survive in the IVF incubator for up to 72 hours.

When is the best timing for an IUI?
Ideally an IUI should be performed within 6 hours either side of ovulation. At Corion, we schedule two IUIs, 1st within 24 hrs from hCG injection & 2nd after 36 hrs of hCG injection.

Is there any possibility that the sperm sample fall out after IUI?
Once the sperm is injected into the uterus, it does not fall out as the sperm sample is loaded well inside the uterine cavity.

After how many IUIs one should switch over to IVF?
It depends on what patient can afford and what medications you were prescribed. Cause of Infertility plays a major role in this switch-over.
One might do 3-4 IUIs on Clomid before moving on to injectables, then do 3-4 cycles on injectables. If one doesn’t have success after four good ovulatory cycles on injectables with well-timed IUI, it would be time to consider IVF.

What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?
PCOS is a condition in which a woman’s ovaries and in some cases the adrenal glands, produce more androgens (a type of hormone) than normal. High levels of these hormones interfere with the development and release of eggs as part of ovulation. As a result, fluid-filled sacs or cysts can develop on the ovaries. PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility.

With PCOS, can I get pregnant?
Patients with PCOS can get pregnant, but usually require Medical assistance. A full hormonal evaluation is necessary to determine which medication(s) may be most appropriate for treatment. For most patients, Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) is first line of treatment to grow and ovulate an egg. If this medication does not work, other strategies can then be used.

What is OHSS?
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is an iatrogenic complication of ovarian stimulation for assisted reproduction technology and other infertility treatments. Following gonadotropin therapy, OHSS usually develops several days after oocyte retrieval or assisted ovulation. This syndrome is characterized by ovarian enlargement due to multiple ovarian cysts and an acute fluid shift into the extravascular space. Results include ascites, hemoconcentration, hypovolemia, and electrolyte imbalances.
Treatment is usually conservative & involves administrating a good fluid intake.

Is there a risk for PCOS patients to cause OHSS on IVF stimulation?
Patients with PCOS have a tendency to produce many follicles (egg sacs), when undergoing IVF stimulation.These patients are therefore at an additional risk of OHSS.The problem however can be avoided with careful monitoring.

What are Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are the most common, non-cancerous tumors in females of childbearing age.These tumors are made of muscle cells and other tissues that grow within the wall of the uterus & may interfere in implantation process.

Do all fibroids need to be removed?
All fibroids do not require surgery. Only those more than 3.5cm or those indenting the uterine cavity & those within the cavity need excision.

What is unexplained infertility?
Infertility that is idiopathic in the sense that its cause remains unknown even after an infertility work-up, usually including semen analysis in the male partner and assessment of ovulation and fallopian tubes in the female partner.

What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue, the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus, grows outside the uterus and attaches to other organs in the abdominal cavity such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Endometriosis is a progressive disease that tends to get worse over time and can reoccur after treatment. Symptoms include painful menstrual periods, abnormal menstrual bleeding & pain during or after sexual intercourse.

What is an AMH test and why is it recommended?
This test is recommended for women planning to use their own eggs during their IVF treatment: AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) test is most commonly used by fertility specialists as another and maybe more accurate indicator of a woman’s fertility than just FSH alone, more specifically in regards to ovarian reserve.
It is especially advised for the patients with advanced maternal age or in whom past response to IVF stimulation has been low.

What is POF?
The term Premature Ovarian Failure refers to the condition where women under the age of 40 experience lowered ovarian function. The symptoms of “POF” include a sporadic menstrual cycle, with women experiencing this condition exhibiting high FSH levels and lowered estrogen levels. Such women benefit best with Donor Egg Cycle.

Is Egg Retrieval painful?
The only procedure that could be considered a minor surgery in the IVF process is the retrieval of the eggs from the ovary. During this procedure a needle attached to a vaginal ultrasound probe is passed through the wall of the vagina and into each ovary. It’s done under general anaesthesia given by certified M.D. anaesthetist & hence not painful.

Am I using up all my eggs if I do IVF?
In a natural ovulation cycle, the ovary selects one egg from a pool of approximately 100-1000 eggs. Those eggs which are not selected for that month undergo a natural cell death process called atresia. Fertility medications override the body’s selection process, and cause many of these “rescued” eggs to grow (8-10 per IVF cycle). These eggs would otherwise undergo atresia. Therefore, you are not “using up eggs faster” by undergoing ovulation induction.

What is the average number of embryos transferred?
The infertility Specialist will make the decision after discussing embryo grading with the patient & embryologist. Generally, two or three embryos will be transferred, but the number may vary slightly depending on the grading of the embryos and the age of the female partner.

Do I have to be on a complete bed rest after my ET?
Complete bed rest is not required.Also the procedure demands no special precautions, but avoid strenous activity. We advise the patients to be mentally & physically relaxed as much as possible. You can return to work if you wish, but prefer to have a few days rest specially 2-4 days after ET.

If I don’t get pregnant after my first attempt, when can I try again?
You may try again after your next spontaneous menstrual cycle. You will need to take birth control pills for at least 21 days prior to starting injectable medications. If you have frozen embryos, your physician will review the procedure and medication protocol with you.

How many of my embryos will the clinic freeze?
There is no limit on how many embryos you can have frozen. If you have 6 embryos on the day of your embryo transfer and you decide to transfer the 2 best ones, we will cryopreserve remaining 4 depending upon quality(GRADE) of Embryos.

What are my chances of pregnancy with frozen embryos?
In general, the success of frozen-thawed embryo transfer procedures depends on 3 things: the quality and survival of the frozen-thawed embryos, the age of the patient who produced the eggs, and the uterus of the woman receiving the embryos. For patients <37 years, the chances of pregnancy with frozen-thawed embryos is similar to fresh embryos. For patients >37 years, the pregnancy chances with frozen-thawed embryos decline.

When do I need an oocyte donor?
Women who are unable to produce healthy eggs, but have a healthy uterus are candidates for Donor Egg IVF. This procedure is the same as that of Self IVF except that the intended parents select a oocyte donor and use the donor’s oocytes to create the embryo.

What is MRKH Syndrome?
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küstner-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a disorder that occurs in females and mainly affects the reproductive system. This condition causes the vagina and uterus to be underdeveloped or absent. Affected women usually do not have menstrual periods due to the absent uterus. First noticeable sign of MRKH syndrome is that menstruation does not begin by age 16.
Although women with this condition are usually unable to carry a pregnancy, they may be able to have children through assisted reproduction & surrogacy.

Under what circumstances is a Gestational Carrier (surrogate) is recommended?
A woman who accepts to rent her womb to carry the child of another woman who is incapable of becoming pregnant using her own uterus is called a gestational carrier. Women who need gestational carriers with IVF include those who do not have a uterus, have an abnormal uterine cavity, have had several recurrent miscarriages or have had recurrent, failed IVF cycles. “Gestational Carrier” is also known as Surrogate Mother for Intended Parents.

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